Devil May Cry 5 New Nero Trailer - Devilish

Devil May Cry 5 is on the verge of arriving on consoles, so the game's publisher has dropped a new trailer to promote the title. This one in particular highlights Nero as one of three playable heroes in the game. It's no secret that Devil May Cry 5's publisher has been delivering some heavy-hitters in the first half of 2019. Hot on the heels of the well-received Resident Evil 2 remake, Capcom is now set to deliver the next major installment of the Devil May Cry franchise.

The initial reveal trailer for Devil May Cry 5 was a welcomed sight during E3 2018. In the wake of the reboot DmC: Devil May Cry in 2013, it wasn't clear how the franchise would continue. That game had the fan base split as a result of its reimagining of longstanding series favorite Dante as a punk-inspired demon killer without his trademark white hair. Despite those initial controversies, Capcom looks to have refocused on what longtime fans want their heroes to look like.

The latest game trailer shows off Nero, who originally debuted in Devil May Cry 4. Having lost an arm during the events of Devil May Cry 5 (don't worry, that's not a spoiler since he has a mechanical arm in the box art for the game), the character has had to pick up a few new moves. Some of these are shown in the new footage, but it's clear that Capcom is still holding onto some secrets for the game.

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